

Today was the first day of work in the new ward, though i wouldn't say its exactly work at all... First of all, there are no patients there. the ward will be officially opening on Monday. Its supposed to be a part of A and e observation ward... I just feel sorta excited with this new change in my life.

Today basically did a lot of administrative stuff like ensure all the equipment of the ward was not faulty, ensure there were sufficient supply of medication and medical equipment. We did a lot of admin stuff such as requesting for rosters, ALs, password numbers etc. And lots of competencies such as manual resuscitator etc... We also went down to the A in e to see how they worked and they introduced us to their computer system of writing notes... Its really different in the sense they dun have much paper work to do... Actually I am not really sure what to expect since i have been trained in the wards ever since I passed out. But I will try to do my best where ever i go...

People in the ward gave me the impression of being rather stuck up and unfreindly, but thats only just first impressions. i did get to meet some gems within the stones. Anyways i am determined to make it a good experience!!! God give me strength!!!

After work went back to school to print out all the jounal articles for my " Nursing Knowlege and practice". its like about 50 articles.... haiz... well . its ok just relax and breath in and out... Take it one step at a time...

I feel sort of rejuvenated. I just needed a new environment with new ppl... i was starting to get bored of my life and felt so stagnant. Thanks God for this oppurtunity!


Today was supposed to be doing night shift... However, when I was getting ready for work received a call from my ward sister asking me whether I was willing to be deployed to ward 77 for 3 months. Its a mini A and E observation ward. i could have rejected the offer but I didn't . I sort of thought it was a good oppurtunity. Recently have been bored with work and feel i am stagnant in the place i work in. Maybe I need a change of enviornemnt with different ppl to make me treasure what i have now. God give me strength!!!
Hello... Its been a reallly really long time since I last written and during this period I went thorugh a period of highs and lows... Sometimes I wonder why I am doing the things i do, why am I a nurse.. I really cant remember anymore. I wonder why I am trying so hard, why i am studying. Why must I face this world with a masked face of mine. I dunno when these feelings started or where they stem from... probably the devil... When I go to work I am merely working for the sake of getting money... its my only consolation... Sometimes wonder whether I need a break from the place I am working or need something to jolt me back on track. I only know, that all these questions i am facing. No one can tell me... i only can find out for myself...

I really want to go back to being as happy as when i was in polytechnic... I dun want to lose that smile from my face.


Its been over 2 weeks since I last posted, Lots have happened. I have been to korea and come back. It was a nice experience. Went back to work as usual... Work has been ok.... not much comments about that. Today is finally my off after working 6 days. Feel great and just wanna slack at home and do assignment. I still have 2 more assignments to go and an exam to study for... I really miss the times when I could just relax when I want it... but then there is no turning back really...